Digital Garden

  • This is Not my Side Hustle by Starbreaker
    I do this, perversely enough, for fun. Part of the fun is, should it ever be necessary, being able to tell GDPR enforcement apparatchiks to fuck off because not only am I a US citizen operating on American soil, but I don’t collect data on EU citizens in the first place. I don’t even have HTTP server logs, let alone cookies or a mailing list.*

Discovery/Alternative Search Engines

  • I want my body to rot by Gina Puorro

    I want my body to rot.
    Loose skin and sagging breasts
    lips thinned by the years of laughter
    every line untucked and carved deep.
    I want to be so wrinkled and withered
    that the AI can’t even identify a face
    to smooth and plump
    and your $86 serum drowns itself
    in my crow’s feet.

  • Zonelets
    • Want to have a blog on Neocities? Zonelets is an elegant solution that uses Javascript updates. I use it for my own blog.

Learning & Tutorials

Coding- General



Apps for Web Developers

  • Brackets
    • This is my favorite program from HTML
  • Obsidian
    • MD based notetaking app. Check out the plug-ins for HTML and CSS editing tools.

Free Images

Public Domain Images